Siberian Blend
This blend is designed to reflect the strength of the Russian spirit, offering a dark, rich infusion that gives its connoisseurs a truly Siberian health experience.
About the Blend
The composition 'Siberian Blend' is developed especially for the Russian market. The rich amber-colored infusion has an exquisite taste and refined aroma of real Ceylon tea.
The special climate of Sri Lanka gives the leaves of this tea unusual strength, saturates them with microelements and vitamins necessary for the body, and gives its connoisseurs a truly Siberian health.

Useful Benefits

- Strengthens the immune system.

- Energizes the brain.

- Promotes digestion.

- Reduces the risk of diabetes.

Taste: Russia is traditionally fond of strong, tart teas with rich flavors. The blend was developed together with famous tasters especially for the Russian market.

Effect: The special climate of Sri Lanka gives the leaves of this tea unusual strength, saturates them with microelements and vitamins necessary for the body, and gives those who use it, truly Siberian health.

Ingredients: Ceylon large-leaf (twisted) black tea.

Grade: PEKOE, large leaf.

Strength: High. Recommended in the first half of the day. Perfectly combined with desserts.
The sustainable elegance of Ceylon tea
Discover authentic flavors sourced responsibly
Our teas are grown in harmony with the environment, protecting the ozone layer.
Earth-conscious packaging, our materials are completely biodegradable.
Enjoy the authenticity of 100% pure Ceylon tea, a taste of Sri Lanka's heritage.