Yala Night
A melody of berries meets the classic depth of black Ceylon tea in a blend as refreshing as a night breeze in Yala.
About the Blend
'Yala Night' is a unique tea bouquet with premium black Ceylon tea enriched with orange peel, dried apples and black currant leaves.

This blend is not just tea; it is a natural elixir of health, full of essential vitamins to strengthen immunity and fight colds.
Enjoy a harmonious blend of the delicate aroma of Ceylon tea with the bright, invigorating flavors of orange, apple and strawberry.

Useful Benefits

- Strengthens the immune system.

- Energizes the brain.

- Promotes digestion.

- Reduces the risk of diabetes.

Taste: Delicate aroma of Ceylon tea with enveloping orange-apple flavor.

Effect: With natural ingredients, this tea contains natural vitamins, is an excellent means of preventing colds and strengthening the immune system.

Ingredients: Ceylon black tea, orange peel, dried apples, black currant leaves, orange and strawberry juices.

Grade: FBOP, Medium Leaf.

Strength: Medium. Recommended in the morning hours and for afternoon tea drinking. Has tonic properties.
The sustainable elegance of Ceylon tea
Discover authentic flavors sourced responsibly
Our teas are grown in harmony with the environment, protecting the ozone layer.
Earth-conscious packaging, our materials are completely biodegradable.
Enjoy the authenticity of 100% pure Ceylon tea, a taste of Sri Lanka's heritage.